Single-photon experiments

We have demonstrated that one universal event-based corpuscular model for the interaction of photons
with matter suffices to explain the interference and correlation phenomena that are observed when individual
photons are detected one by one. The event-based corpuscular model gives a unified description of multiple-beam
fringes of a plane parallel plate, single-photon Mach-Zehnder interferometer, Wheeler’s delayed choice, photon tunneling, quantum eraser, two-beam
interference, double-slit, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm and Hanbury Brown-Twiss experiments.
More information about this simulation method and its applications can be found on these very old webpages
DLM (no longer maintained)
Selected publications:
- H. De Raedt and K. Michielsen,
"Event-by-event simulation of quantum phenomena",
Ann. Phys. 524, 393 – 410 (2012)
- K. Michielsen, Th. Lippert, M. Richter, B. Barbara, S. Miyashita, and H. De Raedt,
"Proposal for an interference experiment to test the applicability of quantum theory to event-based processes",
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 81, 034001 (2012)
- K. Michielsen, F. Jin, and H. De Raedt,
"Event-based Corpuscular Model for Quantum Optics Experiments",
J. Comp. Theor. Nanosci. 8, 1052 - 1080 (2011)
- F. Jin, S. Yuan, H. De Raedt, and K. Michielsen,
"Corpuscular model of two-beam interference and double-slit
experiments with single photons ",
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 79, 074401 (2010)
- F. Jin, H. De Raedt, and K. Michielsen,
"Event-by-event simulation of the Hanbury Brown-Twiss experiment
with coherent light",
Commun. Comput. Phys. 7, 813 - 830 (2010)
- F. Jin, S. Zhao, S. Yuan, H. De Raedt, and K. Michielsen,
"Event-by-event simulation of a quantum eraser experiment",
J. Comp. Theor. Nanosci. 7, 1771 - 1782 (2010)
- S. Zhao, S. Yuan, H. De Raedt and K. Michielsen,
"Computer simulation of Wheeler's delayed choice experiment with photons",
Europhys. Lett. 82, 40004 (2008)
- S. Zhao and H. De Raedt,
Event-by-event simulation of quantum cryptography protocols,
J. Comp. Theor. Nanosci. 5, 490 - 504 (2008)
- S. Zhao, H. De Raedt, and K. Michielsen,
"Event-by-event simulation of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm experiments",
Found. Phys. 38, 322 - 347 (2008)
- H. De Raedt, K. De Raedt, K. Michielsen, K. Keimpema, and S. Miyashita,
"Event-by-event simulation of quantum phenomena: Application to
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm experiments",
J. Comp. Theor. Nanosci. 4, 957 - 991 (2007)
- K. De Raedt, H. De Raedt, and K. Michielsen,
"A computer program to simulate the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm
experiments with photons",
Comp. Phys. Comm. 176, 642 - 651 (2007)
- H. De Raedt, K. De Raedt, K. Michielsen, and S. Miyashita,
"Efficient data processing and quantum phenomena: Single-particle
Comp. Phys. Comm. 174, 803 - 817 (2006)
- K. De Raedt, H. De Raedt, and K. Michielsen,
" Deterministic event-based simulation of quantum phenomena",
Comp. Phys. Comm. 171, 19 - 39 (2005)
- H. De Raedt, K. De Raedt, and K. Michielsen,
"Event-based simulation of single-photon beam splitters and
Mach-Zehnder interferometers",
Europhys. Lett. 69, 861 - 867 (2005)
- Event-based computer simulation of Wheeler’s delayed choice experiment with photons
- Event-by-Event Simulation of Quantum Phenomena
- Event-by-Event Simulation of Quantum Phenomena
- Computer Simulation of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm Experiments with Photons
- New method to simulate quantum interference using deterministic processes