Computational Physics
Publications: 2020
  1.  S. Bertaina, H. Vezin, H. De Raedt, and I. Chiorescu,
    "Experimental protection of quantum coherence by using a phase-tunable image drive",
    Sci. Rep. 10, 21643 (2020)
  2.  M.S. Jattana, F. Jin, H. De Raedt, and K. Michielsen,
    "General error mitigation for quantum circuits",
    Quant. Inf. Proc. 19, 414 (2020)
  3.  M. Willsch, D. Willsch, F. Jin, H. De Raedt, and K. Michielsen,
    "Benchmarking the quantum approximate optimization algorithm",
    Quant. Inf. Proc. 19, 197 (2020)
  4.  M. Willsch, D. Willsch, K. Michielsen, F. Jin, T. Denkmayr, S. Sponar, Y. Hasegawa, and H. De Raedt,
    "Long-Time Correlations in Single-Neutron Interferometry Data",
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 89, 064005 (2020)
  5.  H. De Raedt, M.S. Jattana, D. Willsch, M. Willsch, F. Jin, and K. Michielsen,
    "Discrete-event simulation of an extended Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm experiment",
    Front. Phys. 8:160 (2020)
  6.  M. Willsch, D. Willsch, K. Michielsen, and H. De Raedt,
    "Discrete-Event Simulation of Quantum Walks",
    Front. Phys. 8:145 (2020)
  7.  M. Menzel, M. Axer, H. De Raedt, I. Costantini, L. Silvestri, F.S. Pavone, K. Amunts, and K. Michielsen,
    "Toward a High-Resolution Reconstruction of 3D Nerve Fiber Architectures and Crossings in the Brain Using Light Scattering Measurements and Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulations",
    Phys. Rev. X 10, 021002(2020)
  8.  M. Willsch, D. Willsch, F. Jin, H. De Raedt, and K. Michielsen,
    "Real-time simulation of flux qubits used for quantum annealing",
    Phys. Rev. A 101, 012327 (2020)
  9.  D. Willsch, M. Willsch, H. De Raedt, and K. Michielsen,
    "Support vector machines on the D-Wave quantum annealer",
    Comput. Phys. Comm. 248, 107006 (2020)
  10.  D. Willsch, H. Lagemann, M. Willsch, F. Jin, H. De Raedt, and K. Michielsen,
    "Benchmarking Supercomputers with the Jülich Universal Quantum Computer",
    NIC Symposium 2020, Publication Series of the John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC) NIC Series 50, 255 - 264 (2020)
  11.  J. Richter, F. Jin, L. Knipschild, H. De Raedt, K. Michielsen, J. Gemmer, and R. Steinigeweg,
    "Exponential damping induced by random and realistic perturbations",
    Phys. Rev. E 101, 062133 (2020)